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Staff members at HASC work very, very hard. Our comprehensive schedule of staff services and programming is designed to create a supportive environment for personal growth and a vibrant summer experience for our staff.


In addition to our BMP, daily staff activities, events, speakers and programs provide support for both body & soul.


Some schedule highlights include:


  • Zumba and Pilates for Women

  • Intra-mural basketball and hockey leagues

  • Softball

  • Open running track

  • Pool

  • Weekly BBQ's

  • Movie night

  • Group Discussions and Stress Reduction Workshops

  • "Joy Breaks Barriers" Laughter Therapy Workshop w/ Esther Russell

  • Open Mic Night / Staff Stand-Up

  • The Parksville Sessions: Live Music

  • Staff Appreciation Melaveh Malka with Eitan Katz

Our nightly Staff Beis Medrash Program features a wide range and variety of regularly scheduled daily and weeklyshiurim and sichot, with structured learning and sedarim for both male and female staff to help us all facilitate being "koveiah itim l’Torah."

Under the direction of our Morah D'Asrah Rav Yehuda Willig, the nightly shiurim, chavrusa learning, Guest Speakers and other Beis Medrash programming helps form a complete summer experience of personal and spiritual growth, and appropriately compliment the chesed work that is the main part of the daily HASC schedule.  


Regular Scheduled Shiurim from Camp HASC Staff:

Rav Yehudah Willig / Rav Dovid'l Weinberg / Rav Shelly Morris / Rav Judah Mischel / Chanie Sklar / Michal Porath-Zibman / Atara Segal


We are honored that so many of our generation's greatest teachers of Torah and most influential community leaders visit Camp HASC on a regular basis.


Camp HASC's staff is comprised of hundreds of talented, dedicated and inspired men and women who have decided to dedicate their summer to support the special campers of our camp.  Our staff members are a diverse group of professionals and young adults who work together as a team to 

provide the best care, run the most engaging programming and create the most positive environment possible.


We are always eager to welcome first year staff members to our ranks and proud to have a very large group of veteran staff members who return summer after summer after summer...


If you have a desire to make a difference by dedicating your talents and energies to working with our campers, please review the Apply and FAQs page, and be in touch!

Rebbetzin Ruthie Assaf

Rav Aharon Bina

Rav Chanan Bina

Rav Reuven Boshnack

Rebbe Nachum Dov Brayer,

The Boyaner Rebbe

Rav Yosef Bronfeld

Rav Steven Burg

Rav Chaim Eisenstein

Rav Gil Elmaleh

Mrs. Michelle Elmaleh

Rav Yakov Feldheim

Rav Yaakov Glasser

Rav Yamin Goldsmith

Rav Meir Goldwicht

Mr. Charlie Harary

President Richard Joel

Rav David Katz

Rebbe Avraham Zvi Kluger

Rav Paysach Krohn

Rav Binyamin Kwalwasser

Rav Elie Marcus

Rav Ami Merzel

Rav Michael Olshin

Sample Shiurim delivered in our Beis Medrash:

Some of the special guests who've shared Divrei Torah at our

Staff BMP include:

Rav Elisha Porath

Dr. David Pelcovitz

Rav Marc Penner

Rav Yakov Perlow,

The Novominsker Rebbe

Rav Shalom Rosner

Rav Avrohom Shorr

Rav Baruch Simon

Mrs. Shira Smiles

Rav Michael Sohn

Rav Matisyahu Solomon

Rav Chaim Soloveichik

Rav Reuven Taragin

Mrs. Shani Taragin

Rav Hanoch Teller

Rav Gershon Turetsky

Rav Reuven Unger

Rav Moshe Zvi Weinberg

Rav Moshe Weinberger

Rav Mordechai Willig

Rav Raphael Willig

Rav Dan Wirzburger

Rav Chaim David Zweibel

Rav Yehuda Zakutinsky


"Everything that you the staff are  doing brings such nachas to the Ribbono shel Olam… this visit gives me chizuk for the whole year!

I am sure that in the time of Geula, The Moshiach will stop here first… When you meet Him, please remember me, and tell Moshiach that I am a friend of HASC too…”  

-- Harav Matisyahu Solomon shlit"a

Mashgiach Ruchani of Beth Medrash Gavoha


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